容器下的 Go 应用程序优化
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1. 内存对齐 结构体内字段,从大到小排列 减少内存占用 安装 fieldalignment 工具 1 go install golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/fieldalignment/cmd/fieldalignment@latest 分析并修复内存对齐 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 fieldalignment -fix ./... /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/config/config.go:136:14: struct with 32 pointer bytes could be 24 /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/config/config.go:150:11: struct of size 96 could be 88 /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/config/config.go:166:14: struct of size 152 could be 144 /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/config/config.go:194:12: struct with 80 pointer bytes could be 72 /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/config/config.go:209:12: struct with 56 pointer bytes could be 40 /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/dao/gormx/gorm.go:12:13: struct with 16 pointer bytes could be 8 /Users/shaowenchen/Code/app/dao/gormx/entity/cluster.go:5:14: struct with 128 pointer bytes could be 104 查看 fieldalignment 进行